C-SINK is a European project to boost large-scale atmospheric CO2 removal ( CDR) and help keep temperature rise below 2°C through seven technologies. The purpose of the C-SINK project is to deliver a complete package of proposals elaborated to support a new or modified European legal/regulatory framework to bring high quality CDRs to the market. That package will contain pre-standards (in CEN format) covering the requirements and methodologies for sampling, testing and QMS (ISO9000) on which to build monitoring, reporting and verification systems.
ekolive is part of this project, contributing to Biological CO2 fixation.
The CircLean Network: European Network of Businesses and SMEs for Industrial Symbiosis is a project implemented by Technopolis Group with a consortium of partners composed of Trinomics, International Synergies Ltd. and Arctik on the behalf of the European Commission’s DG GROW. The purpose of the CircLean Network is to mobilise industries and relevant stakeholders to overcome the barriers of industrial symbiosis’ uptake in Europe, and to seize the necessary business opportunities to meet these challenges. ekolive is part of this network.
EIT RawMaterials is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. Its vision is to develop raw materials into a major strength for Europe. EIT RawMaterials has supported ekolive from the beginning of its journey – from the business idea to the implementation of the business plan – promoted and coached.
EIT RawMaterials is supported by the EIT, a body of the European Union.
The Horizon 2020-funded KET4CleanProduction (KET4CP) project funds game-changing, market-creating innovations that support the growth of European bioeconomy. The project has awarded two SMEs funding to solve clean production challenges and de-risk commercialisation of biobased products and processes. Bluegene Technologies (UK) and ekolive (Slovakia) were awarded to work on research projects for a cleaner, greener and more efficient production in collaboration with: the BDC (UK), RISE (Sweden) and Bay Zoltán (Hungary).
The RIS-CuRE project (“Zero waste recovery of copper tailings in the ESEE region”), under the lead of Zavod za gradbenistvo Slovenije, ZAG (Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute), aims at establishing a network of Cu value chain stakeholders in the ESEE region in order to promote an innovative service for the zero waste extraction of metals (Cu, Ag, As, Au, and REE) from Cu mining wastes, generated during past mining activities. This will contribute towards increased competitiveness in the region and serve as a source of metals for EU. Within the project ekolive cleans mining residues for further utilization in construction products.
Visegrád for Sustainability or V4SDG was created to become the organisation that paves the way towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Central Eastern Europe. The founders realised that the region’s sustainability actors are not connected enough, especially across sectors, and are not well-integrated into the global mainstream of sustainability affairs. Established in 2018, V4SDG has grown into a non-profit organisation of over 30 young professionals working on these objectives – including ekolive’s CEO Darina Štyriaková.